Thursday, August 23, 2012

Billions with Amazon Associates?

Not quite.  Yet.  But, ProBlogger does give us some tips on how to make money using the Amazon Associates program.

I use it on some of my sites, and make a small amount of money from it.  Mainly, in my opinion, because I've just started focusing on making money blogging since March.  So, I'm building audience and traffic.  I trust that Amazon will become a solid source of income for me over time.

Sure, it won't yield billions alone.  But as I build, it will grow.  And grow.  And grow.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to get 4 times more page views

So, when I started blogging for dollars in March, I had a couple blogs and would get 300-500 page views a month.  Underwhelming.  But, not hopeless.  At least SOME people were reading some of what I wrote, right?

But, I wasn't making much money.  I hadn't fully committed to monetizing. 

And then, I did.  I started this blog to log my experiences.  I focused on using social media to get my content out.  I visited other blogs to see what was working -- and also, to make comments which helped me get more readers.  Twitter is a big help - -but you can't just tweet the content, you have to engage people. 

Soon, I was up to 1000 page views a month.  And, I was making a small amount of money.  Not much at all, really.  But some money every month. 

Now, I make some money every day.  Nope, not a lot yet.  But some.  And, in the last two months, I'm up to 2000 page views a month.  That's 4 times what I had in March.  I get regular views and regular clicks.  I have sites with followers. 

In just 5 months, I've made a big leap.  If I can keep it up, I could be at 10,000 page views a month by the Holidays.  Even then, I won't be making "big money." But, if the trends hold, I'll be making money blogging and it will be a nice supplement. 

I'm going to keep it up.  Keep blogging.  Because the way to get more page views is to generate good, solid content.  And to do it often.