Ok, I haven't made a billion dollars yet.
But, I am getting my first REAL adsense payout of $126 -- mostly from last month's explosion of one of my blogs that featured a hot, local topic. Round the clock coverage and lots of social media promotion were critical to this mark.
The big upside? Now, I have LOTS more followers on that blog who go there every day. I'm already making more money this month than I did in July. August was an anomaly, but also a great example of what can happen when a post or two explode on social media.
That's what it takes to get noticed. And getting noticed means regular traffic.
Two key lessons:
1) CONTENT is KING. You have to have great content that is tweet-worthy. Something people want to share. And YOU have to share it and promote the hell out of it. If YOU don't believe in your content, no one else will. What I learned was that once a particular post I made got LOTS of exposure, people starting visiting other posts on my site. Meaning more consistent traffic, more adsense clicks, and more money for me!
2) YOU CAN'T STOP. I post almost every day on my most trafficked blog. The one that exploded. Especially now that people have found it and are coming back daily. If there's stale content, people leave. New, fresh, relevant, excellent content. You don't have to post every day, but if you post less than weekly, you WILL lose followers and clicks. My posts were getting 20-40 views a day...and now, my blog gets well over 100 views even on days when I have no new content. That's a huge boost. And it virtually ensures I make money (not a lot, yet) every single day.