Step 1. Get a LinkedIn profile. Yes, you really should have a LinkedIn profile.
No, it's not like facebook...except it sort of is. But it's not the place to put cute pics of your kids.
It is for professionals.
Step 2. Follow all the instructions and set up your profile. Be sure to include a recent, professional picture. This is how people will recognized you and perceive you.
Step 3. List your business website.
So, none of these things alone mean more money for you, right? But, if you have a profile and you are active on LinkedIn (you find colleagues and work associates, you post relevant news items, etc.) You'll get people looking at your page.
When I first started a consulting business a couple years ago, I got on LinkedIn. For the first few months, LinkedIn was the number one referrer to my website.
See what I mean? You can build reliable traffic by having a good, solid LinkedIn profile. Traffic means money. So, you can make money from your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is still a top referrer to my business, I know it works.
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