Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Build a Blog Business

Can you make blogging your business and primary source of income? Absolutely!

However, anyone who tells you it is an easy path to lots of money is lying.

It takes work.  And patience. LOTS of patience.

Here is some sound advice from an experienced blogger who makes a living from her writing.

And here are the key takeaways:

1) Get a blog! Get a blog and start writing.  Write about YOUR passion.  Not what you think people want to read or what you think search engines want.  What YOU love.  This is the BEST way to generate quality content that gets read, talked about, AND shared.  Sharing is key!

2) Experiment, explore, and enjoy.  Have fun.  Blogging should be fun, even though it is also work!

3) Monetize.  Use Google AdSense or some other means of advertising and start generating income.

4) WAIT.

5) Wait.

6) Wait some more.

7) It may take a while (IT WILL) for you to start making money.  But any small business takes time to grow into a profit-making enterprise.  Be patient.  Work hard.  And wait.  If you are generating solid, quality content that readers find valuable, you'll get MORE readers.  And you'll eventually MAKE money. 

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