Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How to Make a Quick Half Billion

It's simple, win the MegaMillions jackpot tonight... it could top $600 million.  With the lump sum cash option, that means you'd be raking in nearly $350 million all at once. 

So, yes, but your tickets! Sure, it's a $1 loss, most likely.  But the winner? Well on the way to being a billionaire!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ohio State vs. Michigan Highlights

Winners play to win! It's that simple. A great game and a coach in Brady Hoke who played to win. He didn't quite make it this time, but imagine fan reaction if the pass had been completed and UM beat OSU? So, check out the highlights from OSU/Michigan 2013.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How Image Tagging Can Boost Traffic

You have a website. You want traffic. You have cool pictures, but nobody's stopping by.

How do you boost your web traffic with images?

Well, you TAG them. And you do it right!

Monday, July 8, 2013

5 Ways to Create Content that Pays

You want to create content that gets results, right? That causes readers to come to your site, share, and come again. 

You want to earn money while you are asleep -- instead of blogging or writing or tweeting every second of every day.

To do this, you need "flagship" or "evergreen" content.

What does this mean?

Evergreen content is content that is relevant, useful, and readable a year or even 5 years from now.

It's not "trendy" or time-specific.  It's content that draws readers today and will draw readers in two months. 

It answers questions.  It solves problems.  It puts your readers first.

Remember, content is king.  And evergreen content rules the world if you're looking to earn money online. 

Here are 5 ways you can go about creating that all important evergreen content.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

4 Tips from Million Dollar Blogs

Yes, some blogs do earn a million dollars or more in annual revenue -- that's revenue, not profit.  Your blog probably won't earn that million today.  And may never be a million dollar annual producer.  But, you can boost your revenue if you follow some sensible advice.

Here, some reasonable tips (4 of them) for increasing revenue from your blog.

Friday, June 14, 2013

19 Tips for Social Media Success

Thanks to Jan Moran for sharing with everyone... we're sharing them, too.

If you want to be successful online, you've got to be social.

So, here goes!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to Build Online Success ... by Going Offline

Doug Idugboe shares 7 ways to use your offline presence to build your online business.

How to Make Money with Ads on Your Blog

Ok, this may seem straightforward.  Start a blog and then get some ads through adsense or some other source.

But it's more involved than that.

And, here are some great tips on how to make money with ads on your blog.

Plus, some very useful information on terms you simply must know if you are going to be using ads as a revenue source. 

Quite simply, hosting ads on your blog is the easiest and most reliable way to make money blogging.  But, you've got to be smart about it.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Build a Blog Business

Can you make blogging your business and primary source of income? Absolutely!

However, anyone who tells you it is an easy path to lots of money is lying.

It takes work.  And patience. LOTS of patience.

Here is some sound advice from an experienced blogger who makes a living from her writing.

And here are the key takeaways:

1) Get a blog! Get a blog and start writing.  Write about YOUR passion.  Not what you think people want to read or what you think search engines want.  What YOU love.  This is the BEST way to generate quality content that gets read, talked about, AND shared.  Sharing is key!

2) Experiment, explore, and enjoy.  Have fun.  Blogging should be fun, even though it is also work!

3) Monetize.  Use Google AdSense or some other means of advertising and start generating income.

4) WAIT.

5) Wait.

6) Wait some more.

7) It may take a while (IT WILL) for you to start making money.  But any small business takes time to grow into a profit-making enterprise.  Be patient.  Work hard.  And wait.  If you are generating solid, quality content that readers find valuable, you'll get MORE readers.  And you'll eventually MAKE money. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to make money with news

Can you make money blogging about the news?

Yes, you can!

Hyper-local blogging is a great way to write about what's going on in your community AND earn money.

Most newspapers are going away and have significantly LESS staff.

That's where you (and your hyper-local blog) come in.

You write about a portion of your community, your neighborhood, what's going on around the block.  You send that news out and about to friends, neighbors, those in the community.

People love credible news that's covered in a credible way.

Don't make stuff up, do write the news.  And discover your writing voice.  And get it out there.

Here's just one example of a quality, hyper-local site.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Does (Blog) Size Matter?

Here's some insight on your blog and its size.

It's not JUST about chasing page views.  Yes, that's important.  Traffic is key to clicks, to advertising, to sponsors.  But, CONTENT is key, too.  It's key to getting traffic.

Another key:  engagement.  A blog that gets tons of views but fails to convert them to clicks or to sales of product or to successful affiliate interaction -- well, that's just not helpful.

And if you are going to make money blogging you have to engage your audience. 

How do you do it? 

Interesting, relevant content:  YES.

But also interaction.  Don't just post "thanks for the comment" or set up an auto-welcome tweet on twitter.  Legitimately engage your audience.  Ask them relevant questions.  Let them know you are paying attention.

Of course, as your size grows, this may become more difficult.  BUT -- you need to interact to attract and maintain audience.  Having a loyal audience means having blog followers who will share your content.  Shared content is HUGE in terms of generating interested traffic.  Not just passersby, but people who have a reason (their friends) to stay awhile on your page.

Keep them there by genuinely welcoming them and engaging.  Then, they will share with their friends and the traffic build will continue.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Billion Dollar Ketchup?

Yes, this site is all about a billion dollars in any form.  Even Ketchup.

It seems Heinz will be purchased in part by Warren Buffett and his Berkshire Hathaway company.

We're always interested in how to make a billion dollars -- and it seems that if we had a killer ketchup formula, we'd be in the money today.

Nevertheless, the lives and purchases of billionaires (and their companies) make for fascinating reading.

The real key for us is:  Can a blogger become a billionaire?  We think so -- and we're working toward that goal every single day.

Carnival Triumph Movie

Is there a movie in the works related to the Carnival Triumph ordeal recently ended in Mobile, Alabama?

No word yet on a movie deal -- but it figures to make someone millions at the box office if it ever gets made.

Watching passengers disembark it was clear that they were stressed at the experience but relieved to be home with family and friends.

Seizing ideas immediately is a great way to become a billionaire - which is what this site is all about.

Someone ... or several someones -- who rode aboard the Carnival Triumph will likely write a book or ink a movie deal.  When they do, there will be money made, no doubt.

Not quite the Titanic.  No one died.  No one seemed to be seriously hurt beyond just getting tired while waiting in line for a hamburger.  But, at least on CNN, this event captivated Americans for nearly a full week.

So, a summer blockbuster from the Carnival Triumph?  A youtube movie perhaps?  Stay tuned!

Friday, January 25, 2013

What types of blogs help you make money?

All kind of blogs -- the kinds that generate traffic -- can help you make money by writing about what you love.

You could blog about men's fashion or about shoes or about vitamins or just write some interesting stories.

No matter what kind of site you start, however, you need to remember:  Content is king.  Really, traffic is king.  But if your content sucks, there won't be traffic.  And with no traffic, there is no money.

So, write about what you love.  Get started.  And get to making money online by blogging.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Seven Tips to help you Start Blogging

Jessica Novak offers 7 tips to help you start blogging.

You should do these BEFORE you start a blog.

Step 1 -- get a plan -- why are you blogging? For whom?

Who will read your blog and can you turn that into money?

You need this basic advice.

And you can start making money blogging after spending 20 minutes following these clear, direct steps.

Do you want to blog?  Do you want to make money from your blog?  Pay attention and do these 7 things.  Then, get started.  Do it!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Diversify your Blog to Make Money Online

That's the word from noted fashion blogger Garance Dore.

And really, it is pretty simple:  Your blog can bring multiple streams of income.

Yes, advertising is and will be a big part of that.

But also:  Affiliate links.

It can also lead to freelance writing assignments -- yes, people WILL pay you to write for them.

You can land paid speaking engagements.

You can sell stuff from your site.

There are lots of ways to gain an income -- a real, livable income -- from blogging.

Tap into them -- and share with the rest of us!