Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monetize Your Blog as a Merchandiser

For Chloe + Isabel or for another entity.

Here are some tips on how to get started.

If you're already writing about fashion and you like to earn free stuff and you like earning solid commissions with the support of an established brand, merchandising and sales can be just right for you.

Blogs are fun.  Making money is fun.  Combining the two is an added bonus!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to maximize a giveaway

Jeff Bullas has some great advice in 15 steps   Notice I did not say 15 EASY steps. 

But, the advice is sound, it is thorough, it is easy to read. 

Jeff lays it out there - why would you want to do a giveaway (brand awarenesss, social media presence).  How to get started (Rafflecopter). 

How to maximize the effort to bring traffic to your site.

So, give it away in order to bring it home...

It's that (not) simple!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Secret Weapon for Making Money Online

It's not much of a secret, but here's a few tips about Guest Blogging.

If you do it ... and do it well .. you can gain real, repeat traffic.  And that's money.  In the damn bank.

So, find the right blogs.  Send a pitch.  Guest Blog for cash. 

It's that simple.

I mean, of course it is not THAT simple or else everyone would have a blog and be making tons of money from each other.

But, do some work.  Find the right places.  And Blog your heart out.  Traffic (and cash) will come.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Use Keywords to Drive Traffic

Yes, this seems like common sense.

But, you can use keywords to drive traffic to your blog content and that will help you earn MONEY.

Yes, you want to blog because you love it.

You enjoy writing and are passionate about your topic.

But, making it a profession means you have to find a way to get paid.

And getting paid means getting traffic.

If your blog has 10 readers who come back everyday and love your content, that's great.  But, they're probably NOT going to support you financially.

And, if they are not sharing, you're not gaining readers.

So, using keywords and using them wisely is a great way to expand your reach, gain traffic, and earn money blogging.

Here are some key ways to make that happen.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to build links for your new blog

Or business.

You have a blog and you want to get traffic.  Whether it is just to raise awareness or because you want to use your site to generate revenue, you need links.  You need people to be on a page and click and go to your page.  Period. 

Yes, it seems obvious.  But without links...what happens?


No one comes to your site and you don't do business or no one sees your stellar content.

So, here are 8 tips you can use now to start building links.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to maximize your affiliate links

Do it like this.

Go ahead, feature some solid content.  Tell a little story.  And highlight the affiliate so the reader WANTS to check it out. 

Don't just paste the links or count on ads to generate interest.

Content.  Write it up.  Use a picture.  And SHOW the reader why they want to visit the affiliate and BUY something.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Use your blog to inspire your business

Here are some great tips.

Whether or not you want to be a full-time blogger, following these tips can help you maximize your blog.

You can grow a business...or even make your blog a business.

But, write about what YOU love.  And share YOUR strengths and speak to your passions.

Content is KING.  So, strong content...generated from your passions will drive traffic and inspire ideas.

Even if your blog is NOT your income source, it CAN grow your business.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Make Money Online with an eBook

yes, you can.  You can do it!

Here are 8 tested tips to help you turn your book idea into an eBook ... and to turn that eBook into money.  And money is what it's about. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

10 Ways to Make Money from your Blogger Blog

First, get a blogger blog.  Yes, I use one -- because you're here.  And I use Blogger b/c I've been using it for a long time and it is super-easy and now has lots of great tools.

Here are 10 gadgets that work great and enhance your Blogger Blog.

Used properly, these 10 devices can help YOU make money online with Blogger.

And who doesn't want to make money?

How to increase your online productivity

Yes, the internet is an amazing and endless place where you can find fun, money, and DISTRACTION. 

If you are making money in the online world (or trying to) you HAVE to be engaged almost constantly with Twitter, Facebook, your blog, etc. 

But, distraction disrupts productivity.  And if you're not productive, you are NOT making money. 

Here are some tips for being more productive in your blog life. 

I'm especially bad about checking Twitter.  I keep the Twitter tab at the bottom of my screen.  When I see 1 or 2 new tweets, I'm terrible about clicking over and seeing what it is.  I could do the same thing at say 10 or 20... and not miss ANYTHING.  But, I'm obsessive.

So, YES, set limits.  Or, stack your tabs so you can't see every single new email or tweet that pops up.  Maybe check your Twitter feed once an hour.  Same with your email.  If someone really, really wants a response they will call or text you.  Otherwise, it can wait.

Be more productive ... make more money.  It IS that simple.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to make money online with affiliate links

One simple answer: Persistence.

As reported here, you can (and should) make money with affiliate links in your blogs.

I've been using affiliate links in a couple of my blogs for about 6 months now.  I've yet to make BIG money...or that much, really.  But, I'm seeing sales and earnings, so that's a positive.

You should promote affiliates you enjoy -- and that you use.  Readers trust you when you establish that YOU really use the products you are essentially selling. 

Don't just choose random affiliates because you think they are neat.

Target your affiliates to your audience and to YOUR actual taste.  This will attract readers and encourage them to click.  And that's half the battle!

So, add affiliate links to your mix of income streams.  Along with ads, they can be a great source of income.  But, only if you PERSIST.  You have to keep at it, pay attention, and constantly engage.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A simple way to make money online in two hours or less

Ok, so YES, YOU can make money online.  With a blog.  Like this one.


But, can you start making money in two hours or less?

YES.  You can start making money online in two hours or less.

First, get a simple blogspot blog.  You may end up with your own unique and special domain name, but for now, get a blogspot blog.  It is EASY.  And it links up nicely with AdSense -- that's how you're going to make money.  With AdSense.

Next, activate AdSense and make sure the ads are posted below posts and in other strategic places on your site - you can only display 3 ads per page, but this is plenty.

Then, start blogging.  Yes, you have to blog about interesting topics that attract and/or keep readers.

That's where THIS very sound advice comes into play.  This post is all about writing an interesting blog post in 2 hours.  Now, I said you could start making money in two hours, and you CAN.  But, you have to have a blog post, so you're first one may be a bit fast. 

Finally, once that post is up and running, SHARE!  Tweet it.  Put it out on FACEBOOK.  Share it!!

If you don't share, no one will know.

Now, you're ready to make money -- and if you get some clicks, you'll start making money.

Once you've started, DO NOT STOP. Keep posting.  Every single day.  It takes less than 2 hours to write a post.  Right? So, do it!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Make More Money with Mobile in 15 Minutes

Here's a handy little strategy for making more money from your site -- by making it mobile device friendly.

It only takes a couple minutes to read and about 15 minutes to execute.  Then, you're making more money --or, helping a client make more money -- which means money for you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ways to Make Money Blogging

Yes, you can make money blogging!

IFB notes 25 ways -- with links and tips and details. 

Obama's Final Pitch

President Barack Obama is making his final pitch to American voters.  A land where all can prosper -- and some may become billionaires.  Here goes:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Can losing weight help you make money?

If you start losing weight, will you start making money?

Well, you can.  First, losing weight will likely increase your confidence.  That's a key factor in persuading people to hire or promote you.  Confidence is attractive.  So, even if you're not rail thin or model attractive, if you lose weight and start feeling better about yourself, you'll present as more confident -- that's attractive.  And it can get you hired.  Which means money.

Second, you can help others.  If you write about your weight loss, you can help others through your experience.  And doing so can help you earn money.  Peer to peer counseling online -- via blogs, chats, etc.  can be a great way to network. 

So do what it takes to start losing a bit of weight.  Eat smarter.  Exercise a bit more.  And reap the rewards -- you'll be healthier and feel better -- which is a great reward in itself.  In time, these benefits will translate into your outlook and you'll project confidence -- which could certainly increase your earning power.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Big Bird vs. Mitt Romney

That's right.  Big Bird is taking on Mitt Romney ... or, rather, Romney is rather explicitly taking on Big Bird.

Can you make big money with Big Bird?

Let's face it.  Big Bird is hot right now.  Ever since Mitt Romney mentioned cutting PBS -- and specifically called out Big Bird -- the yellow feathered muppet has been a hit.  He's made an appearance on Saturday Night Live, been the subject of some Jon Stewart segments, and even appears in a new Obama campaign ad.

Big Bird is hot.  Which means people are looking for him.  And if they find him near you, it could mean more traffic - and cash -- for your website.

So, yes, you can make some money with Big Bird. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How I Made My First Billion

Ok, I haven't made a billion dollars yet.

But, I am getting my first REAL adsense payout of $126 -- mostly from last month's explosion of one of my blogs that featured a hot, local topic.  Round the clock coverage and lots of social media promotion were critical to this mark.

The big upside?  Now, I have LOTS more followers on that blog who go there every day.  I'm already making more money this month than I did in July.  August was an anomaly, but also a great example of what can happen when a post or two explode on social media. 

That's what it takes to get noticed.  And getting noticed means regular traffic.

Two key lessons:

1) CONTENT is KING.  You have to have great content that is tweet-worthy.  Something people want to share.  And YOU have to share it and promote the hell out of it.  If YOU don't believe in your content, no one else will.  What I learned was that once a particular post I made got LOTS of exposure, people starting visiting other posts on my site.  Meaning more consistent traffic, more adsense clicks, and more money for me!

2) YOU CAN'T STOP.  I post almost every day on my most trafficked blog.  The one that exploded.  Especially now that people have found it and are coming back daily.  If there's stale content, people leave.  New, fresh, relevant, excellent content.  You don't have to post every day, but if you post less than weekly, you WILL lose followers and clicks.  My posts were getting 20-40 views a day...and now, my blog gets well over 100 views even on days when I have no new content.  That's a huge boost.  And it virtually ensures I make money (not a lot, yet) every single day. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Billions with Amazon Associates?

Not quite.  Yet.  But, ProBlogger does give us some tips on how to make money using the Amazon Associates program.

I use it on some of my sites, and make a small amount of money from it.  Mainly, in my opinion, because I've just started focusing on making money blogging since March.  So, I'm building audience and traffic.  I trust that Amazon will become a solid source of income for me over time.

Sure, it won't yield billions alone.  But as I build, it will grow.  And grow.  And grow.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to get 4 times more page views

So, when I started blogging for dollars in March, I had a couple blogs and would get 300-500 page views a month.  Underwhelming.  But, not hopeless.  At least SOME people were reading some of what I wrote, right?

But, I wasn't making much money.  I hadn't fully committed to monetizing. 

And then, I did.  I started this blog to log my experiences.  I focused on using social media to get my content out.  I visited other blogs to see what was working -- and also, to make comments which helped me get more readers.  Twitter is a big help - -but you can't just tweet the content, you have to engage people. 

Soon, I was up to 1000 page views a month.  And, I was making a small amount of money.  Not much at all, really.  But some money every month. 

Now, I make some money every day.  Nope, not a lot yet.  But some.  And, in the last two months, I'm up to 2000 page views a month.  That's 4 times what I had in March.  I get regular views and regular clicks.  I have sites with followers. 

In just 5 months, I've made a big leap.  If I can keep it up, I could be at 10,000 page views a month by the Holidays.  Even then, I won't be making "big money." But, if the trends hold, I'll be making money blogging and it will be a nice supplement. 

I'm going to keep it up.  Keep blogging.  Because the way to get more page views is to generate good, solid content.  And to do it often. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Want to be one of the 400 Richest Americans?

I do!

And I'll do it by blogging. 

At least, that's the idea.

Of course, according to this, I'll need to wisely invest my blogging income.

But, writing ... and blogging -- is a great way to make $ every single day.

What you do with that money will determine if you're among the richest Americans. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Make Money Blogging by Planning...

That's the tip from Top Tool Tuesday... And it's pretty solid.

Yes.  You have to have a plan.

I've not been so good about that on all my blogs.  But, as I'm growing a blog business and presence, planning is so important.

You can't just leave blogging to chance. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

How to make money on vacation...

Yes, I make money while I'm on vacation.

First, because anyone at anytime could be reading one of my blogs and helping me generate revenue. 

Second, because I have a strategy to help maximize my time.  I'm always on business, even when relaxing by the pool.

So, here are some tips for making money on vacation.

1) Blog about it.  Yep.  Write a post about something interesting or fun that happened on your trip.  People love to read reviews so they can plan their own vacations.  Plus, you will generate new content that will possibly draw in new readers.

2) Plan.  I spent a lot of time planning posts.  Nope, I didn't post at all last week.  But, I did take notes and develop content for several of my blogs.  This planning will pay off in terms of better quality posts that will attract more readers.

3) Relax.  Yep, just relax.  The refreshed brain will help you generate more and better ideas and enable you to maximize your blogging. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

How many posts does it take to make money?

How many posts do you have to write before you make money blogging?

That's a tough question.  Some people post 4-5 times daily or more.  Some people post every day.  If you don't post at least once a week, you will LOSE followers.  If your blog lies dormant for a period of time, you will LOSE lots of followers.

I've tried this week to track the total number of articles I've written for my blogs.  So far, it's 25.  That's five per day.  That doesn't mean every blog gets a new article every day.  It does mean that at least 5 times a day, I've logged in and written something I consider blogworthy. 

I've seen a slow and steady uptick in my traffic this week.  And I'm on pace to have my best month ever in terms of pageviews and possibly revenue. 

Now, I make money every day blogging.  But sometimes, it's 5 cents.  I'm in it for the long haul.  I'm convinced that if you offer good content consistently, you can make a living blogging.  A big part of offering good content is writing every day.  Getting in the habit of writing just makes your brain focus on writing.  If you write more, you will write more.  And better.  The more you do it and interact with your readers, the better you'll get at honing a message that draws readers.  And more readers equals more money.

Again, you shouldn't just "blog for money."  But, blogging can certainly be a source of income, if not your primary income source. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Can you make money using a blogspot blog?

The short answer is yes!

You can make money using a blogspot blog.

Now, I've read articles and blogs that recommend getting your own domain. And, that's certainly helpful.  For my primary business blog, I have my own domain name for ease of use and recognition.

But, if you are properly optimized and write about topics of interest, your blogspot blog can generate sufficient traffic to earn money.

Here's the deal, though.  Don't blog just because you want to make money.  This blog catalogues my general experiences with blogging as a money-making endeavor.  But, I didn't start blogging to make a living.  And, officially, I'm not making a living with my blog earnings yet. 

I started blogging because I like to write and I like to help people.  Plus, blogging allows for constant feedback and that facilitates learning.  Then, a couple months ago, I decided to make a living mostly from blogging.  I still have my primary business and a blog attached to that business.  I've monetized that blog (I take ads now) and I've started a couple other blogs.  This one, in particular, is my "diary" of how I'm moving toward making income solely from blogging.

Now, here's the deal.  When I say making income "solely" from blogging, I expect that I will always crave the human interaction of presenting at a conference or the satisfaction of helping a client solve a problem. But, I also enjoy the flexibility of blogging.  And, I realize there is true earnings potential.  I could replace most if not all of my income with blogging.  Then, I will be more able to choose the consulting projects and presentations I take on.

So, don't just blog to make money.  Blog because it is fun, and the dollar may follow.  And YES, you can make money with a simple blogspot blog. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is there really a billion dollar billboard?

Yes!  Sort of.  Here are all the exciting details.  Would you pay an effective rate of $1.3 billion for a billboard?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Young Billionaires

Here are the youngest, young, and probably perceived to be hot. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bono a Billionaire?

Not quite.  Not yet.  Not even with a generous profit from the Facebook IPO.

Here's a bit of an explanation. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

What do billionaires wear?

Well, probably whatever they want.  But some may want the $148 Executive Hoodie:'s real.  It's here.  And you can learn more...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Can you turn $100 into $1 billion?

Well, I'm not sure about that.  All told, I've spent just over $100 to get more serious about blogging. 

But, Daniel Pink interviews Chris Guillebeau who wrote:  The $100 Startup.

It's about innovative ways to start a business...perhaps with a hobby or interest. 

You might (probably should) start your side project while you are working and getting a steady check OR after you have accumulated some money to keep you going while your startup is starting up.

Anyway, you can get the book and read all about it. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

The life of a billionaire

Also known as Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook and now an international playboy.

The Power of Images

Well, they're pretty powerful, no doubt.

But here's some evidence.  And ways to use images to inrease your blog traffic.

Try it.  It might even work.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Should you blog every day?


That's it.  I really don't need to post anymore. 

If you are trying to make an income from blogging, you need to blog every day.


Sure, every post is not going to be some amazing revelation that brings you tons of traffic.

But, if you are going to make a living by writing, you have to write. 

Yes, blogging means you are making a living as a writer. 

And if you write every day, you'll get better at it.  And from time to time, you'll hit gold mines.  Mostly, you'll just write good, solid stuff.  And that's absolutely fine.

But don't expect to write one magic post every week.  Write every day.

Every single day.

In my own case, it is sometimes a struggle.  But, I maintain blogs on topics about which I'm interested.  So, there's always 500+ words somewhere in my head waiting to get out. 

I need to get them out.  Sometimes, I start with a sentence.  Or two words.  And then, an entire post comes forth.  That's what I mean.  Write every day.

Fresh content yields traffic.  Fresh content keeps readers coming back.  Fresh content makes you relevant.

Since I've committed to writing every day, I'm getting tons more hits/page views than before.  Which means more revenue.  Which means I will soon be making a living as a writer.  Which means it will be even MORE important that I write every single day.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why you should set blogging goals

Because if you do, you'll meet them.  Or exceed them.

That's what I've done so far. 

Of course, it's only day 2 of May. 

But my goal for this month is 75 page views a day across my platforms.

I hit 115 yesterday. 

How'd I do it?

1) Fresh content.  I posted three new articles on my most trafficked blog.  That means that when people visit, they are finding not just one new story, but 3.  It also means there's activity.  It looks like I've been working because I have. 

2) I tweeted.  I tweeted out links in the morning, in the afternoon, and just before bed.  I had already surpassed my page view goal by bedtime...but, I tweeted anyway and then blew it out of the water.  Plus, the later tweets gave me carry over page views into today.

3) I didn't just tweet links ... I was there.  I was on twitter.  I engaged other people.  Conversations help generate interest in your topic...which can lead to ReTweets, links, sharing...and just plain fun.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Basic Link Building Tips...

Here you go!

Habits of Social Media Pros

from 12most and all about how to be a winner in social media. 

Toward Blogging Profits

That's where I'm headed in May.  One step closer to REAL profits from blogging.

I hit my goal of 50 page views a day in April and increased my earnings 7 times over what I made in March.  If I can hit 1000 page views a day (yes, I's a bit far off), I can earn real money online and become a full-time blogger.  Just focusing and analyzing stats tells me that. 

My goal for may is 75 page views a day.  Which would be well over 2000 page views in the month. 

Here's what that means:  More posts, more often.  More engagement on social media.  And a continued focus on strong, solid content. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

How I dramatically increased my online revenue

It's simple, really.

I have seen online revenue this month that's seven times greater than what I made last month.

That's right.  It's the last day of April and I've made 7 times as much money this month as I did in March.

7 times more money with one simple strategy.

How did I do it?

I set goals.  As March came to a close, I noted I was averaging 25 page views a day across all my sites.  Not great, really.  But, people were coming on a consistent basis.  And I made SOME money from the ads.  So, I figured, I'll try to double my daily page view count in April.

Well, I did it.  It's the last day of the month and I've averaged 50 page views a day.  I've had a couple days over 100, so that helps. 

But simply by doubling the number of page views, I've increased my earnings by 7 times over my March earnings. 

Sure, this is not enough (yet) to quit my regular job.  But, it does show that making money online is REAL and possible if you set goals and you are focused.

How'd I increase those page views?  Twitter and Facebook.  Yes, social media and a focus on having fresh, relevant posts helped my dramatically increase my page views. And, with the numbers I'm seeing, if I can get to 1000 page views a day, I can make REAL money online. 

My next goal, 75 page views a day in May. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Should your business blog?

Yes! Hell yes!

It helps build web traffic.  And you want web traffic, right?

It can help answer questions... you know your FAQ's -- this is an interactive FAQ -- you get a question 10 times, you put it up on your blog, you answer it.

It allows you to interact with customers... interaction can help build loyalty.

Look, there are more reasons and they are in the article.  But if you have a business, you should have a blog.  Now.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

How's my week going?

So, I set out this week to up my blogging game -- with the audacious plan to earn one billion dollars by blogging.

Keep in mind, while I've had monetized sites for a while, I've only started focusing on maximizing my earning potential in the last 30 days.

And, with the launch of this blog, I'm cataloging my success and letting everyone know what I learn (good and bad) in this experience.

My goal for this month was to average 50 page views a day. As of today, I'm at 56 page views a day. Now, that's not enough to generate a living income. But, it's a start. And it is more than double what I did last month.

I've had a high of 122 page views and four days over one hundred. My goal for May will likely be to average 100 page views a day, so the 4 days out of the last 20 I've hit 100 or greater offers some hope for that.

This blog has been the MOST successful in terms of earning money. In only 70 page views this week, I've gotten one click and made $2.35. Again, not huge money... and who knows how that will average out once I start getting 50-75 hits a day on this site alone, but it is encouraging.

I'm learning as I go through this..and sometimes, just looking at your stats and learning you've gotten a new click or earned a little money...well, it keeps you motivated.

How to use Old Media to Make New Media Money

Yes, I'm talking about Old Media. PRINT media. The newspaper.

You may not even read a newspaper unless it's on your iPad. I know.

But, believe it or not, people do read the newspaper. The print kind. And of course, most papers are online with mostly full content (except for those with the pesky paywall).

So, how do you use print media to generate money?

Well, it's just like guest blogging. Only it's guest writing. A column.

Most local papers are STARVED for interesting content -- or, any content.

If you're already blogging about an area you're interested in and have some expertise about, you're probably writing 750-900 word articles, anyway. That plus a picture is PERFECT for a newspaper column.

Then what happens?

Your column appears in the paper and you magically make money! (Ok, not really).

But, I've written guest columns for my local paper off and on. When I do, I notice that for the next 2 days, my site traffic goes up. When I first started doing guest columns, I didn't mention my site. Now, I do. You should absolutely use every possible outlet to boost your page views.

After one guest column, I was invited to give a speech at a local civic group. Guess what? I got to pass out material and talk about the topic I write on every day at my blog. I gained readers. Traffic spiked.

So, in short:

1) Inquire with your local paper about guest column opportunities and let them know what topics you'd be willing to cover

2) Write a guest column -- usually 750-900 words. Include a picture and mention of your website.

3) Enjoy a spike in traffic

4) Keep interest flowing by linking to your column from your website and sharing the column via various social media outlets.

Yes, you can use the print dinosaur to help maximize your new media money.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Can your blog post be too long?

Daniel Sharkov shares his thoughts in a nicely sub-headed, easy-to-read post. (Hint: All posts should be easy to read and hit the sweet spot in terms of length).

I'm committed to sharing more as I learn more on my journey to a billion dollars through blogging.

Does LinkedIn Really Work?

Ok, so I know I JUST posted about linkedin...but, here's some evidence that it actually works... BETTER than facebook or twitter.

How to make money from LinkedIn

Step 1. Get a LinkedIn profile. Yes, you really should have a LinkedIn profile.

No, it's not like facebook...except it sort of is. But it's not the place to put cute pics of your kids.

It is for professionals.

Step 2. Follow all the instructions and set up your profile. Be sure to include a recent, professional picture. This is how people will recognized you and perceive you.

Step 3. List your business website.

So, none of these things alone mean more money for you, right? But, if you have a profile and you are active on LinkedIn (you find colleagues and work associates, you post relevant news items, etc.) You'll get people looking at your page.

When I first started a consulting business a couple years ago, I got on LinkedIn. For the first few months, LinkedIn was the number one referrer to my website.

See what I mean? You can build reliable traffic by having a good, solid LinkedIn profile. Traffic means money. So, you can make money from your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is still a top referrer to my business, I know it works.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is blogging a real job?

Yes. Blogging is a real job.

But, try telling someone you're a blogger and see what happens.

Go ahead. Find someone and tell them you're a blogger.

I'll wait.

How'd that go?

Did they say, "yeah, but what do you DO?"

Did they laugh and walk off?

Did they just give you a strange look?

Then, what did you do?

What do you tell people when they ask about what you do, you tell them you're a blogger, and they say, "what does that mean?"

What they are really saying is that blogging is not for serious people or that being a blogger can't be a real job. Tell it to Single Dad Laughing (Dan Pearce)

His whole job is blogging. He's a writer and a Dad (as you might have guessed) and by some accounts, he makes a pretty good living ($5,000-$6,000 a month) just by blogging.

So yeah, blogging can be a real job. It requires creativity, writing ability, and persistence. And yes, it has its perks. You can blog from a coffee shop or at your kid's baseball game or anywhere, really.

But, it also requires WORK. You have to post every day (or, at least 5 days a week). You have to have useful, interesting content. You have to generate revenue from ads or affiliate marketing or both. You have to study your reports to see what's working and what's not. You have to optimize your site to get more readers and maximize clicks on your ads.

So, yeah, blogging is a real job. And yes, you can make real, actual money by blogging if you're willing to put in the work.

This blog is my journey toward a billion dollars by blogging. Today is day three. And believe me, it's a job. But it's also fun. And so far, I've made money every single day.

Monday, April 16, 2012

How much time does it take to make money online?

Less than one hour.

That's how much time it took me to sign up for a domain, get this blogspot deal going, and set up the ads, etc.

You can be making money online in less than one hour.

Now, the real question is: How much money can you make online?

I got 21 pageviews overnight... and I've had another 4 today and I've just launched.

Remember, traffic is KEY to making money online.

So, today on all my blogs, I've had just over 30 page views. Not huge, right. But last week, after posting a story on a blog, I had a click for cash on the 35th page view.

If you consistently generate solid content, you'll get views. And if you get enough views, you'll get clicks. And that's cash.

There are, of course, other ways to make money online. And you can optimize your page to ensure you're maximizing the number of clicks you get per page view. This takes some time and some careful viewing of your analytic reports.

But yes, you can make money online in less than one hour.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This is my Billion Dollar Blog

When I began working to monetize some blogs I run, I thought it'd be great to set some goals.

I got really serious about making money by blogging last month. I've set page view goals and income goals. I've made a commitment to post at least once every day. And, I'm making more money now online than I ever have.

My initial goal was to make $20,000 a month through blogging and have a total blogging income of $5 million by the age of 45 (I'm 36 now).

Then, I got to reading. There aren't any bloggers who are billionaires.


And of course, a billion dollars is a lot of money.

So, I thought, let's dream big. Let's create the first billion dollar blog.

So, I am. I'm blogging to make one billion dollars.

I'm going to be posting tips and tricks for making money blogging here. If you have ideas, share them in the comments.

I'm going to be suggesting reading. I'm going to let you know how I'm doing.

Maybe I won't be the first billion dollar blogger. Maybe I will. But, blogging is a legitimate way to make real money every day.

Follow me on this journey toward a billion dollars by blogging.